Microimmune therapy

Areas of application
- Acute and chronic recurrent infections
- allergies
- tumour diseases
- Rheumatic diseases
- Skin, liver, lung, kidney, intestinal and thyroid disorders
- Symptoms of exhaustion
Further information can be found on the website of the International Institute for Microimmunotherapy www.megemit.org.
Specialist article by Dr Sailer on the topic of ‘Possible applications of microimmunotherapy in men’s health using the example of prostate problems’:
Article as PDF- Recognising and inactivating pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and worms) or their toxins that have entered the organism
- Recognising and killing virus-infected body cells
- Recognising and killing cancer cells
The immune system consists of a large number of more or less complex cells, each with very specific tasks, which are linked to each other by messenger substances (usually cytokines). In the event of an external or internal disturbance, the immune system triggers a whole series of defence reactions. It first analyses the nature of the disorder and then deploys specialised cells to eliminate it. If the immune disorder persists, the immune system launches a more complex (adaptive) immune response adapted to the nature of the threat.
Microimmune therapy restores the natural balance of this complex defence system and maintains its full responsiveness. Its use in treatment, according to the homeopathic mode, is aimed at influencing the immune response and preventing the occurrence of side effects. The micro-immunotherapeutic components are produced from synthetic raw materials, so they are neither of human nor animal origin. This fact and the fact that the medicines are produced according to homeopathic principles in accordance with the applicable European standards guarantee a low-risk therapy.
Microimmune therapy is based on the realisation that the immune response very often plays a central role in the development of diseases. The concept of microimmune therapy is based on influencing the course of the disease by improving the immune regulation of the organism. Microimmune therapy can therefore be used for all diseases in which the immune system is involved. For all of these diseases, the body’s own self-healing processes are no longer coordinated.
Fields of application include, in particular, clinical pictures that are associated with an immune disorder, such as (chronic) infectious diseases or allergies. The concept of microimmune therapy emerged more than thirty years ago thanks to the discovery of cytokines during research into human immunity.